Sights and Flavors of the Ancient Sabine Hills

Was Romulus the first king of Rome?

Was Romulus the first king of Rome?

Did you Know that the origin of the greatest Empire of the Antiquity has his roots in Sabina?

The legendary foundation of Rome by Romulus, after the murder of his twin Remo, is entangled with the history of a people that lived in a region north of Rome, called Sabina.

The newly founded village of Rome would attract any sort scum, criminals and refugees from nearby villages. According to Titus Livius, because of the lack of women, advised by the Senate, Romulus sent ambassadors to all the nearby peoples in order to arrange marriages with Roman men. Unfortunately his proposal was rejected, so Romolus decided to organise a festival to attract all his neighbours to Rome.

The Caeninenses, the Crustumini, the Antemnates and the Sabines flocked to the party and at the feestival, at Romolus signal when all the men where drunk, the Romans abducted the unmarried Sabine women.

Al the tribes retalieted and were defeated by the Romans except for the Sabines whose king. When Titus Tatius, king of the Sabines, declared war on the Romans the conquered the Capitoline Hill, thanks to the treason of Tarpeia. The Romans counter-attacked the Sabines in the Lacus Curtius (from the name of the Sabine General), where the Roman forum was then built. At this point though unexpectedly when thetwo armies were about to attack, the Sabine women who were wives to the Romans and daughter and sisters to the Sabines, stood bitween the two armies not allowing them to fight each other.

So the war came to an end and the Sabines and the Romans became one people. The Sabines settled on the Quirinal hill, hence the name o Quirites one of the names that was used to refer to Romans and Titus Tatius became king of Rome along with Romolus.
